Sunday, June 15, 2008

Imagine...the rule of law

Dennis Kucinich, a man of high ideals who loves this country with all her blemishes and fights to make her better, spent some five hours reading 35 articles of impeachment against George W. Bush into the congressional record this week. Lies. Torture. The incarceration of children. Illegal wiretapping. If anyone has been a poster child for scofflaw presidents, surely it is George W. Bush. I say that in the nicest possible way, of course. In his shoes, I might have done the same thing. I can't really say. I don't know. I don't think I will wish to be in his shoes when he has his life review though.

At any rate, if we had the rule of law undoubtedly we would see some kind of action on this list. If the Democrats had any guts, we would see action on this list. I think it is likely it will just languish in committee, but one can hope otherwise. After all, the best way to ensure you don't repeat the past is to first try to understand it honestly.

You can find links to a pdf of the whole thing and a bunch of other goodies here: page with links

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