Thursday, June 05, 2008

Dreaming of a world where every child is welcomed

As the cost of food rises, more and more people are facing the stark reality of being unable to pay for food, or being unable to pay for enough food. In this world we have made, it is money that decides more and more who eats and who does not. This is a heavy and complex topic, that I am going to postpone droning on about for another day.

However, I read this quotation last year in the Summer Edition of Yes! Magazine and it keeps percolating up in my mind:

Perhaps one day the world, our world, won't be upside down, and then any newborn human being will be welcome. Saying, "Welcome. Come. Come in. Enter. The entire earth will be your kingdom. Your legs will be your passport, valid forever."
-Eduardo Galeano

Yes, we have to think about population issues. The burden that we place upon this Earth. But I can't help but long for a world in which we've achieved enough balance, and achieved enough wisdom, that this will be the welcoming call to all human children.

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