Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day thoughts...

To my knowledge, no one in my family has ever died in the military, although some have served. So for me, Memorial Day has mostly just been a long weekend. The start of the summer. But here we are, five years into this war/occupation, with no end in sight, and I think it's worth it to take some time to ponder the costs of war, most of which are borne disproportionately by a few.

I posted this a couple of years ago for Memorial Day, and I think it's worth revisiting. Ian Rhett wrote this song, accompanied by a video that was released for Memorial Day 2006, in honor of his then 19-year-old sister who was serving in the Marine Corps in Iraq. I watched it again a couple of days ago, and found it undiminished in its impact.

His first video, "(Didn't Know I Was) Unamerican," is also worth watching in the context of this day, I think--it speaks to the liberty that the founders of our country were seeking, and which our military is ostensibly there to protect.

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