Monday, October 06, 2008

If this doesn't do it for you...

...I don't know what will. Deregulation is a disaster; always has been, always will be. There is a reason why you need regulation: greed. Until greed goes the way of the dinosaur, we will need to watch people to make sure they follow the rules.

I don't know if Obama will have the guts to do what needs to be done to get us out of this mess, which is nothing less than to reverse the tide of wealth flowing upward. It has made the vast majority of us on earth less secure. It is not inevitable that things are this way. We can choose a different path. But it will mean some very very tough choices in the months and years ahead.

Bottom line: Don't look to the poor and middle class to fund this reconstruction. We have been being bled dry for decades. And that doesn't just mean us in the "first" world (if we can still claim membership); people in the "third" world were better off in 1960 than they are today. There are those who claim otherwise, because people in the third world use more money today than they used to. But if you didn't use to have to pay for shelter or food because you owned land that kept and fed you, you didn't have as much need for money. But I digress.

This is John McCain. He is a true believer, and as they say, "by their fruits, you shall know them."

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