Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Stuff In the Shop!

I have added some new items to the Lovely Flower Bright Idea Shop. The first is one I've been thinking about for a long time. Thom Hartmann likes to play the audio clip of Ronald Reagan saying, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" Well, after watching New Orleans drown in Katrina, and after watching veterans coming back from war to inadequate support, and generally watching how government under conservative rule has failed to help ordinary people much while it has helped a few rich people and corporations to grow even richer and more powerful; how the agencies filled with cronies have failed to protect us and do what they were created to do--well, all I have to say is, yes, the government can fail to deliver. But when it does, it does for a reason. And there are things we need our government to do, things we can't possibly do on our own. In my opinion, that's why we have a government to begin with--or at least, that should be the reason.

The whole conservative "You're-on-your-own-ership society" is not something that is going to work out well for most of us.

The other design is a modification to another design in the shop. I'm not thrilled with some of the Dems we have out there. But maybe if we can get solid majorities in Congress, especially in the Senate, we can make some real change happen.

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