Monday, August 27, 2007

Bye-Bye Alberto

The first thing I heard upon waking today was the news that Alberto Gonzales had resigned. My inbox this morning was full of emails expressing what a victory this was for the progressive cause.

I don't like the guy--I don't know how anyone who cares about democracy could like the guy--but I have to admit that the first thing I thought was that of course they would time it during a recess of Congress, because then they can make a recess appointment of someone who will not try to uphold the law (necessary to protect Mr. Bush and his cohorts from criminal prosecution for their crimes), and then they will probably just put up impossible nominee after impossible nominee and do their best to run out the clock. I hope I'm wrong. But it seems like that is the standard operating procedure for Bush & Co. So while I'm happy to see Alberto go, I'm not yet ready to celebrate it as a real victory. And then next will it be Mr. Cheney hanging up his hat, in time to replace him with someone more likeable, who can then become the nominee (brother Jeb perhaps?) who might have a snowball's chance of at least giving the appearance of being electable? So that the stealing of this next election, when it happens, is at least plausible. I hope I'm wrong about that too. But I wouldn't put it past them.

OK, this is definitely the pessimist in me talking. I hope I'm wrong. I guess we will just have to wait and see how this plays out.

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