Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Theft of the 2008 Election

The theft of the 2000 and 2004 elections has been well documented. Although it got very little attention in the corporate media, there were so many shenanigans with the vote in the last few elections as to make one's head spin, especially if one wants to believe in democracy.

I just stumbled over to Greg Palast's website the other day to see if he had any updated information about what was going on with Venezuela (because thanks to Greg, I know that when Chavez starts saying that the US is out to topple him, it isn't something that can just be dismissed out of hand, since it wouldn't be the first time).

At any rate, there are some alarming numbers there. Over a million people whose voter registrations have disappeared. The purging of huge numbers of voters from the rolls in battleground states. This is serious stuff.

They've gotten away with it before. They will try to get away with it again. All they need is a close-enough election, which it looks like they will have. Greg Palast is asking for support to get his message out into the media in the next few weeks, to see if shining a spotlight on what is going on with these states can make a difference. If you care about democracy in this country, I'd encourage you to consider throwing some $$ Greg's way.

Greg Palast talks about the theft of 2008
A good collection of links about problems in the 2004 election, and to organizations working on this issue

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