Wednesday, June 04, 2008

An Interesting Theory About Why Hillary's Stuck it Out

My mom sent me a link to Kent Nerburn's blog today. He'd posted something someone he knew had passed along in response to a blog entry he'd written about why he thought Hillary should bow out of the race. The guy said something like this--that Hillary was selflessly staying in the race because she knew what no one can say--that America isn't ready for a black man in the White House, and that his candidacy is doomed. Lovely Hillary, this isn't about her, oh, no. It's because she knows she is the Democratic Party's only hope of defeating John McCain come November.

Maybe this is true. I've had my doubts about this myself; I suspected Big Media only allowed his candidacy to progress because they either thought that a) there was no way he could win, or b) they could buy/control/sink him if he did. I mean, look at what they did to Dennis Kucinich. Made sure no one could hear him so that they could perpetuate the myth that he's a crazy guy. Or to John Edwards, mocking his $400 haircuts and saying that because he's a rich guy he must just be pretending he cares about poor people!

But I hope that what I sense is true...that Obama is bigger than the man himself. Not that he's not a great guy and all that. But I think the movement behind Obama has much more to do with a desire for real change in Washington--a hunger for a politics that calls us to live up to the best in ourselves, for the good of us all. He's tapped into an energy that is much bigger than he is.

One man will not be the solution to all that ails us. But as we've seen in the last 7+ years, it does matter who is President. I for one am hoping for brighter days ahead.

Kent Nerburn's blog

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