Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New Video from Ian Rhett for Memorial Day

Ian Rhett has a new video that he's released for Memorial Day, in honor of his 19-year-old sister who is serving in the Marine Corps. It's subtle, but powerful. Great for sharing.

If you haven't seen his first video, it is a must see. It is called "(Didn't Know I Was) Unamerican" and is incredibly powerful. Just make sure you have tissue handy!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Marianne Williamson and the Message of the Powerful

Marianne Williamson's talk at the Sacred Activism conference last week was quite remarkable in a number of ways. Some of the things she said made many of us squirm. And perhaps I'll talk more about that later. But I think one of the most powerful things she talked about was the message that was sent to those activists in the 60's who were daring to stand up and speak truth to power. The message that was broadcast loud and clear through the shootings of the students at Kent State, and through the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy. The message that it was time to shut up and go home, and retreat into private life. She said that they took those messages to heart, and that many continued to try to fix the world in their own way, but that the collective energy was dispersed by the fear. The threat felt very real. She said that that time was the time of great leaders; that this time was the time of the chorus, a chorus so big that they wouldn't be able to shut us down or shut us up so easily.

I'm too young to remember those things happening in real time. But when I was little, my parents had a record that had the song "Abraham, Martin and John" on it, and I remember listening to that song over and over and being so moved by it. I don't remember learning about what the song was about; that knowledge must have come to me before memory. But I know it put its mark on me. I always felt that something should be done to fix all the injustice that seemed so evident in the world. But the message crept into my heart too. What will it cost you? What will you be willing to give? And I think it's been part of the answer to why I have held back; why I didn't pursue a career that would have been more meaningful to me; why I was afraid to put my skin in the game.

Dr. King said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Maybe I haven't been totally silent. But in many ways I've lived to keep safe.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day on the way to work: "Your silence will not protect you."


Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Cultural Creatives

One of the more interesting things that happened at the Sacred Activism conference (to me), was to hear Paul Ray talk about the Cultural Creatives, a term I first ran across in this book. This term describes a growing demographic in America (that they estimated at about 50 million people). These people have these hallmarks (among others) according to the Cultural Creatives web site FAQ: they are interested in holistic health, sustainability, and spirituality, and they tend to think in planetary and not just national terms. One of the big revelations for me was that these people fall across the political spectrum, and often have trouble with politics because issues important to them are mostly ignored by both main political parties (I knew something about the Cultural Creatives, but had sort of jumped to the conclusion that they tended to fall more on the lefty side). He also talked about the two other main groups in America: 1) the Traditionals, who tend to be more traditionally religious and also concerned about certain types of moral questions, and 2) the Moderns, who tend to emphasize rationalism and to believe that technology is the answer to difficult questions.

At the conference, Paul Ray talked about the "new political compass" in America, a four-directional compass with the Left to the West, the Religious Right to the East, the Big Business/Globalization people to the South, and the Cultural Creatives to the North. I thought this was fascinating, and explained much of the quandary that the Democrats have found themselves in trying to get elected--something that made sense to me viscerally (since I think I tend to fall into this group), but have not had the words to express. It made me understand more deeply the problem of having to choose between the lesser of two evils--however a person defines this (something that I've been willing, however reluctantly to do, but which I've found has become harder and harder to take). To anyone thinking about the direction of politics in this country, I would much encourage checking this out.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Finding our Voices as Spiritual Activists

We live in troubled times, perhaps unrivaled in human history. The trend I have witnessed, during my lifetime, has been toward increasing insecurity. The news about the future that we face tends toward the bleak, and you have to really search for portents of hope. Between the devastating results of globalization and the consolidation of corporate power, and the sheer weight of the environmental consequences of human actions on this earth, it is easy to feel despair. I even understand to some degree those who hope for divine deliverance in the form of a Messiah who will rescue us from the enormity of the problems we face. While I believe that the divine will have a part to play if we are to come through this in any kind of form that most of us will want for ourselves and our children and their children to come, I think that the divine works most often through our own frail and human hands.

I spent last weekend at the Sacred Activism conference in Lynnwood, Washington, organized by Wisdom University. It gave me great hope to see so many come together, searching for a way that the "Spiritual Progressives" among us here in America may come together to offer a different version of hope for the future than what we are offered by the Religious Right. I believe that Michael Lerner ("The Left Hand of God") is on to something--I believe that there is a spiritual crisis here in America. For so long, in order to survive in an increasingly harsh world, more and more of us have been forced into the tyranny of maintaining somebody's bottom line, no matter the cost to our families, our communities, and indeed our very souls. I think that there is another vision--that another world is possible. But I think that as spiritual progressives, or sacred activists, or whatever name you want to use, the world needs us, and we need to find our voice.

At the conference, Michael Lerner told a great story about a woman who had come up to him at one of his talks in Seattle when he was here recently promoting his book and his new Network of Spiritual Progressives. She said she'd met a man who she'd really hit it off with, and he'd asked her to go out on a Sunday morning picnic. She asked if they could meet a little later, since she was going to be in church on Sunday morning. He looked at her, shocked, and said, "But I thought you were a Democrat!" This parallels a story told by Jim Wallis, of Sojourners magazine, published in the American Prospect, where he was told on a book tour by someone in Boston that it was easier to come out as gay in the Democratic Party than as a religious person (link). I think it's sad, and I think it needs to change. As Michael Lerner said, we (OK, I can't speak for everyone--but most of us) don't want to convert anybody. It's not like gays came to the Democrats and said, "Hey, not only do we want you to be gay-friendly and supportive of us as we strive for equal rights--we also want you all to become gay!" As a person who is spiritually inclined, although not "religious" in any strict sense of the word, I think he's right. As spiritual progressives, whose faith impels us to act in the world to stand on the side of the powerless against the powerful, I think we need to come out of the closet.

It is time.

So may it be.